June @ Geekdom: Texas Burn Survivor Society
June 9, 2017 @ 7:00 pm - 12:00 am
Some disturbing but important facts:
– Burns are the leading cause of injury to San Antonio children under age 16.
– The number of burn injuries has grown over 50% in the past five years.
– Fire injuries constitute the fifth largest cause of injury-related hospitalizations reported among Texas residents.
How can you help?
June’s partner organization is the Texas Burn Survivor Society. TBSS founder David Jayne was critically burned in a helicopter accident and spent three years enduring treatment and rehab at Brooke Army Medical Center’s Burn Unit. David and his wife Jane were determined to provide the kind of support for others they themselves had so sorely needed, and in 1962 TBSS was born.
We will be stuffing backpacks for Camp David, a week-long camp for pediatric burn survivors, their siblings, and also the children of adult burn survivors. Campers experience a week of adventure, discovery and fun, designed specifically for children ages 7 to 16. Camp David is unique among burn camps because it also includes siblings and children of burn survivors, whose lives are also severely impacted by burn injury. This amazing camp is made available to the children free of charge!
Camp David, named in honor of TBSS co-founded David Jayne, is in its 22nd year and will take place July 9-15 at Texas Lions Camp in Kerrville, where it has been since 2007. On average, the camp hosts 55 campers each year. This year, they will host at least 65 campers. The camp is financed by private donations and is free of charge for all campers.
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