Board of Directors
Kelly grew up in Washington State and worked in several National Parks before landing in Denver and finally settling in San Antonio. She enjoys walking, hiking, movies, hanging with friends, live music, museums and animals. She currently works as a software coder/developer at TXDocs and serves as President of the San Antonio Nerd Night Board of Directors. Her favorite games are Ticket to Ride, any version of Fluxx, and King of Tokyo.
Keller grew up in Houston before heading to College Station to pick up a Chemical Engineering degree at Texas A&M. He and wife Lisa spent a few years in West Virginia before settling in San Antonio. They have three kids at home: Hayley, Aidan, and Carlos. He works as a consulting engineer on water and wastewater projects. He’s served in various capacities with different non-profits over the years. His favorite video games include Ultima IV, Tie Fighter, Half-Life, and Thief, and his favorite tabletop games include Red Dragon Inn, D&D (2e), Lords of Waterdeep, and Codenames.
Stephanie grew up in San Antonio and lived in New Orleans and Dallas after graduating from Texas A&M University with a Journalism degree. She moved back to San Antonio in 2011 and founded San Antonio Nerd Night in 2015. She works as a Marketing Coordinator at Dahill and serves as Secretary/Treasurer of the San Antonio Nerd Night Board of Directors. Her favorite board games are Lords of Waterdeep and Ticket to Ride. She’s also an avid roleplay gamer, preferring Star Wars and Call of Cthulhu.
LisaBoard Member
Lisa was a military brat and lived in Alabama, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Alaska before moving to San Antonio as a teen. Outside of a few years in West Virginia, Texas has been home ever since. She is married to Keller, whom she met at Texas A&M and they have 3 kids, Hayley (Texas Ag class of 2020), Aidan, and Carlos). She works as a clinical psychologist developing tools for use in helping individuals with cognitive differences. Her favorite games are Red Dragon Inn, Revolution, and Forbidden Island.