UPDATE 6/27/2020

As our venues began to reopen, San Antonio Nerd Night had scheduled a Nerd Night event for Sunday, June 28 at Knight Watch Games. Today, the City of San Antonio alerted residents that virus spread was continuing to increase unchecked and that our hospital system was at risk of overload. Knight Watch Games has sensibly altered their hours and shop policies. The Nerd Night planned for Sunday, June 28th, has been cancelled. Please stay home, practice social distancing if you must go out, and wear a mask. We want to see everyone back at our events once it is safe to gather.


The board of San Antonio Nerd Night, acting with the health and safety of our attendees and their families in mind, has decided to suspend all Nerd Night activities through the month of April. This was a decision made out of an abundance of caution, in line with city, state, and Centers for Disease Control guidelines.

The following Nerd Nights are cancelled:

Nerd Night at Knight Watch Games benefiting SAYL Book Buddies on Sunday, March 22
Nerd Night at Cherrity Bar benefiting San Antonio Pets Alive! on Thursday, April 2
Nerd Night at Geekdom benefiting San Antonio Pets Alive! on Friday, April 10
Nerd Night at Knight Watch Games benefiting San Antonio Pets Alive! on Sunday, April 26

We know this may be a disappointing decision for some; it’s certainly disappointing for us. But we are committed to doing our part to help flatten the curve and to keep you and our community safe.

Please keep in mind that our charity partners will need extra help this year, especially with the postponement of Fiesta and the Big Give. As you are able, we encourage you to make donations online:

San Antonio Youth Literacy: http://sayl.org/donate-to-san-antonio-youth-literacy/

San Antonio Pets Alive!: https://sanantoniopetsalive.org/wishlist/

We will reevaluate our decision mid-April and determine if the situation warrants additional cancellations, or if at all possible, an early return to our regular schedule.

Until then, stay safe! Practice social distancing and do your part to keep the community healthy.

*virtual fistbump*