What a great beginning to our Sunday Nerd Nights! I think I’m going to have to call them something else, maybe Nerd ‘Noons 😛 Nerd Night seems a little silly when the event starts at 2pm in the afternoon, but regardless. We had about 50 people show up, bringing lots of great items for the Texas Burn Survivor Society. We were there playing games until after 10pm! Thanks to everyone who joined us and we’ll be back here on July 24th as part of our month supporting SAMMinistries.

Red Dragon Inn

Apples to Apples

La Isla

I think this is X-Wing 🙂

KENS-5Â filming at Knight Watch Games!


Donations for TBSS backpacks! Great job, nerds!
The biggest part of the day for me, aside from getting to play two new games (Slaughterville and Among the Stars), was that KENS-5 showed up to do a short piece on us! Although I look terrified in this video (which I hope will remain available, because I can’t seem to figure out any way to download it), I think I managed to stay on point and get the message out about TBSS. Just ignore the factual errors on the part of the anchor 🙂 They did correct those things by the 10pm broadcast, but the video posted was from the 5:30 news.
We were thrilled with Knight Watch Games – what a great space and great people. And great dogs! Who I somehow didn’t get any pictures of, but trust me. Fluffy gorgeous sweet HUGE pups. Looking forward to an ongoing relationship with this unique store. Lots of thanks to Brenda and Paraic for allowing us the use of the space, and for just being generally awesome people.
We’ll be back at Geeks Cafe next Friday night to support SAMMinistries and their Back to School program. We’re collecting school supplies and clothes for the kids served by SAMM’s many programs to help end homelessness in San Antonio. See you there!