San Antonio Nerd Night Epic II

July 21st we are doing another D&D Adventurers’ League Epic to benefit SAMMinistries Back to School Bash!


First time around, we raised $150 and additional peanut butter for SN4K!! Let’s see if we can do that again + plus more!!

This time what they are looking for are the following:
• 3” – 4” Binders
• Pocket Folders with Brads – different colors
• 200 count Kleenex tissues
• 9”X12” Assorted Construction Paper – loose
• Red Pencils

Every bit counts and SAMMinistries appreciates it. 🙂

Every seat reserved for the 4pm Epic is a $5 donation. Sign up on the Magic Beans Warhorn page to make sure you get your spot. If there a no spots, please sign up and it will help us know if we need to make a new table.

We ask that you show up 30 minutes early so we can get everyone seated quickly.

Each Table will vote again on the most valuable player. A set of Metallic Die Hard Dice will go to the victor.

Epic to be Played: DDEP07-02 Drums of the Dead

Please signup through Warhorn — only those that reserve a spot on Warhorn get first dibs. Please do not be afraid to signup even if it is full just in case.

San Antonio Nerd Night Epic II2018-07-06T11:44:51-06:00

D&D Epic Game Night Benefiting Snack Pak 4 Kids

This event is co-hosted with Magic Beans Gaming Cafe and, if you want to play in the Adventurer’s League Epic, has a cost of $5/seat, all of which will go to benefit Snack Pak 4 Kids. We will also be there playing board games and partaking of Magic Beans’ delicious nibbles all day long! See details below:

San Antonio has an Epic! We are doing Peril at the Port 7-1 to accommodate newer players. To guarantee you a seat, please signup through warhorn, listed below. We will be doing season 7 quests from 11a start time over at the latest 3pm which should not be an issue. 8pm is open play, so whoever is left and wants to quest one more time, we can do it.


Our partner charity this month is Snack Pak 4 Kids, an organization that strives to provide weekend food security to kids who might go hungry when not able to avail themselves of school meal programs provided during the week.

16-18 oz Jars of Peanut Butter

Learn more:

The ONLY ITEM we are requesting as a donation for SA Nerd Night February events is peanut butter. Size is important as these jars are sent home with kids and anything larger is too heavy or bulky for their backpacks.

D&D Epic Game Night Benefiting Snack Pak 4 Kids2018-02-06T09:19:07-06:00
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