December Nerd Night @ Knight Watch Games

The San Antonio Food Bank distributes food to more than 58,000 individuals struggling with food insecurity in Southwest Texas each week. 17.1% of the population of Texas is food insecure, the second highest rate in the country. Food insecurity in Southwest Texas affects one in five adults and one in four children.

Join us in supporting the San Antonio Food Bank in the month of December. Donate food at Geekdom and Knight Watch Games from Dec 1st – Dec 31st. Look for the big red barrel!

Most needed items:
Peanut Butter
Macaroni & Cheese
Canned Stews & Soups
Canned Luncheon Meats
Full Meals in a Can/Box
“Pop-Top” Food Items

December Nerd Night @ Knight Watch Games2016-11-26T18:59:46-06:00

Giving Tuesday: Virtual Food Drive!

Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday Food Drive

This is the 4th year for Giving Tuesday, a day to highlight volunteering and charity donations on the day after “Cyber Monday.” In the last four years it has come to symbolize the beginning of the charitable season. I’m all for anything that encourages people to give back! Consider this my official Giving Tuesday post to encourage everyone to take a moment and visit our Virtual Food Drive to benefit the San Antonio Food Bank.

One of the only complaints I had at our November toy drive was that I didn’t have any way for people to donate using their credit cards. Luckily for me, the San Antonio Food Bank is on top of things and set me up with the virtual food drive for our December event! It’s a cute little flash-based shopping spree, where you drive your shopping cart down virtual shopping aisles and select food items by the case or dollar amounts to donate. It’s easy and fun, and is a secured option provided by the food bank for your peace of mind. No worries about handing over cash to some stranger at a game night!

Anyway. Those of you who can’t make it out to see us at Magic Beans, please consider clicking here and doing some virtual shopping to help feed the hungry and food insecure in Southwest Texas. The food drive will be active throughout the month of December. The food barrel will be at Magic Beans from December 4th – 14th, and December Nerd Night will be Friday, December 11th, starting at 6pm. Clean out those cupboards, put a few extra cans in your cart at the grocery store. Be a part of the solution! The Nerd Nighters and the San Antonio Food Bank thank you. 🙂

Giving Tuesday: Virtual Food Drive!2016-11-25T10:59:39-06:00
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