Nerd Night @ Geekdom Benefiting Texas Burn Survivor Society

May’s partner organization is the Texas Burn Survivor Society. We will be gathering items for the 23rd annual Camp David, a week-long camp for more than 65 pediatric burn survivors, their siblings, and also the children of adult burn survivors. Campers experience a week of adventure, discovery and fun, designed specifically for children ages 7 to 16. Camp David is unique among burn camps because it also includes siblings and children of burn survivors, whose lives are also severely impacted by burn injury. This amazing camp is made available to the children free of charge!

IMPORTANT LOCATION NOTE: We will be in the Geekdom office building (entrance on Houston) this month due to a conflict in the Event Centre. We will have someone available at the door until 7:30pm – you may message here or text Stephanie to get someone to come down and let you in after that time!

Wish List:
Snack Items (granola bars, sugar free mints/gum, etc.)
Beanie Babies or Similar Small Stuffed Animals
Small Puzzle Toys
Small Journals or Notepads
Decals and Stickers
Friendship Bracelets

Nerd Night @ Geekdom Benefiting Texas Burn Survivor Society2018-05-09T09:23:59-06:00

Nerd Night @ Geekdom Benefiting Book Buddies

Join us on April 13th from 7pm-midnight for a night of board gaming in support of Book Buddies. Nerd Night is holding a book drive to collect books for this year’s fairs. Bring your new or gently used children’s books to the Geekdom Event Centre. We will have our game library to share or bring your own games to play while you make new gaming buddies.

Book Idea List HERE:

Book Buddies is an initiative of San Antonio Youth Literacy. Book Buddies collects books suitable for kids in kindergarten through 5th grade and distributes them at the end of the school year in free book fairs at their Reading Buddy Schools.

Children choose books to take home to read over the summer, which helps prevent the “summer slide” — a regression in learning over summer vacation when they are not being actively taught. Studies also show that children who grow up in homes without books, and who are not read to as children, are far more likely to fall behind in school, fail to complete high school, and suffer the unfortunate outcomes associated with failure: drug use, criminal behavior, early pregnancy, etc.

San Antonio Youth Literacy developed Book Buddies as an offshoot of their Reading Buddy program, which exists in San Antonio Title 1 schools where at least 75% of the families are below the poverty line. Children at these schools attend the free book fairs at the end of the school year and take the books home and keep them as their own. They can read them over the summer, share them with family and friends, or even their parents. In many cases these donated books are the only books in the home. An added benefit is that children in more advantaged homes learn to share their no longer needed books with another child. Everybody wins!

Nerd Night @ Geekdom Benefiting Book Buddies2018-04-03T07:43:03-06:00

Nerd Night @ Knight Watch Games Benefiting Snack Pak 4 Kids

Beneficiary organization: Snack Pak 4 Kids – San Antonio

Please join us at Knight Watch Games for a full day of board gaming as we welcome our first new nonprofit partner of 2018, Snack Pak 4 Kids!

16-18 oz Jars of Peanut Butter

SP4K strives to provide weekend food security to kids who might go hungry when not able to avail themselves of school meal programs provided during the week.

In Bexar County alone, over 120,000 children are considered to be food insecure. Of those, it is estimated that 10-20% actually deal with chronic hunger (i.e. they lack adequate nutrition to lead a healthy, productive life).

Snack Pak 4 Kids San Antonio works hard to be a learning enhancement tool for these kids, solving their weekend hunger issue so they can learn during the school week.

Learn more:

The ONLY ITEM we are requesting as a donation for our February events is peanut butter. Size is important as these jars are sent home with kids and anything larger is too heavy or bulky for their backpacks.

• What to bring
16-18 oz jar of Peanut Butter and your favorite board games!

Nerd Night @ Knight Watch Games Benefiting Snack Pak 4 Kids2018-02-06T09:21:20-06:00

D&D Epic Game Night Benefiting Snack Pak 4 Kids

This event is co-hosted with Magic Beans Gaming Cafe and, if you want to play in the Adventurer’s League Epic, has a cost of $5/seat, all of which will go to benefit Snack Pak 4 Kids. We will also be there playing board games and partaking of Magic Beans’ delicious nibbles all day long! See details below:

San Antonio has an Epic! We are doing Peril at the Port 7-1 to accommodate newer players. To guarantee you a seat, please signup through warhorn, listed below. We will be doing season 7 quests from 11a start time over at the latest 3pm which should not be an issue. 8pm is open play, so whoever is left and wants to quest one more time, we can do it.


Our partner charity this month is Snack Pak 4 Kids, an organization that strives to provide weekend food security to kids who might go hungry when not able to avail themselves of school meal programs provided during the week.

16-18 oz Jars of Peanut Butter

Learn more:

The ONLY ITEM we are requesting as a donation for SA Nerd Night February events is peanut butter. Size is important as these jars are sent home with kids and anything larger is too heavy or bulky for their backpacks.

D&D Epic Game Night Benefiting Snack Pak 4 Kids2018-02-06T09:19:07-06:00

Nerd Night @ Geekdom Benefiting Snack Pak 4 Kids

Beneficiary organization: Snack Pak 4 Kids – San Antonio

Please join us at the Geekdom Event Centre for a night of board gaming as we welcome our first new nonprofit partner of 2018, Snack Pak 4 Kids!

16-18 oz Jars of Peanut Butter

SP4K strives to provide weekend food security to kids who might go hungry when not able to avail themselves of school meal programs provided during the week.

In Bexar County alone, over 120,000 children are considered to be food insecure. Of those, it is estimated that 10-20% actually deal with chronic hunger (i.e. they lack adequate nutrition to lead a healthy, productive life).

Snack Pak 4 Kids San Antonio works hard to be a learning enhancement tool for these kids, solving their weekend hunger issue so they can learn during the school week.

Learn more:

The ONLY ITEM we are requesting as a donation for our February events is peanut butter. Size is important as these jars are sent home with kids and anything larger is too heavy or bulky for their backpacks.

• What to bring:
16-18 oz jar of Peanut Butter and your favorite board games!

Nerd Night @ Geekdom Benefiting Snack Pak 4 Kids2018-02-06T09:12:49-06:00

January Nerd Night at Knight Watch Games benefiting Alpha Home

Join us at Knight Watch Games for all-day board gaming to support Alpha Home.

For 50 years, Alpha Home has been committed to treatment of the whole person—not just the addiction— by caring, qualified professionals. By incorporating their core values of spirituality, integrity, discipline, dedication and productivity into their treatment approach, they focus on the whole person and give those they serve the best tools for responsible, long-term sobriety.

Alpha Home has the only San Antonio gender-specific Residential Rehab Program dedicated exclusively to treating women.

Wish List

New or gently used women’s coats and sweaters

Women’s undergarments (new only):
• Bras
• Underwear
• Socks
• Pajamas

Toiletries (new only):
• Toothbrushes
• 15 oz. bottles of shampoo and conditioner
• Wash cloths
• Full size tubes of toothpaste
• Regular size bars of soap
• Makeup
• Hotel/travel size toiletries

Tools and equipment (new only):
• Hedge trimmer
• Power washer
• Nail gun
• Air compressor
• Circular saw
• Reciprocating saw

Other needs (new only):
• Bath towels
• Twin sheet sets
• Standard size pillows
• Stationery
• Plain envelopes
• Blank note cards
• Journals
• New or used Alcoholics Anonymous books
• New or used Narcotics Anonymous books
• Vacuums (4)
• Towels
• Patio Furniture
• Bath rugs
• Indoor plants
• Area rugs for living rooms
• Small refrigerator
• Hard plastic/ceramic (plates, bowls, cups)

Alpha Home cannot accept:
• Party dresses
• Flip flops
• Short shorts
• Baby items of any kind
• Used electronics

January Nerd Night at Knight Watch Games benefiting Alpha Home2018-01-19T08:57:24-06:00

January Nerd Night at Geekdom Benefiting Alpha Home

Happy New Year! Our January event is one week early due to conflict with PAX South in January. Read on for a special giveaway!
Join us at the Geekdom Event Centre for all-night board gaming to support Alpha Home. We will have TWO 3-DAY PAX SOUTH Badges to give away! Bring a donation and get a BOGO entry! Instead of $5/entry, $10/3 — you can get 2 entries for $5 or 5 entries for $10 when you bring a donation!
For 50 years, Alpha Home has been committed to treatment of the whole person—not just the addiction— by caring, qualified professionals. By incorporating their core values of spirituality, integrity, discipline, dedication and productivity into their treatment approach, they focus on the whole person and give those they serve the best tools for responsible, long-term sobriety.
Alpha Home has the only San Antonio gender-specific Residential Rehab Program dedicated exclusively to treating women.
Wish List
New or gently used women’s coats and sweaters
Women’s undergarments (new only):
• Bras
• Underwear
• Socks
• Pajamas
Toiletries (new only):
• Toothbrushes
• 15 oz. bottles of shampoo and conditioner
• Wash cloths
• Full size tubes of toothpaste
• Regular size bars of soap
• Makeup
• Hotel/travel size toiletries
Tools and equipment (new only):
• Hedge trimmer
• Power washer
• Nail gun
• Air compressor
• Circular saw
• Reciprocating saw
Other needs (new only):
• Bath towels
• Twin sheet sets
• Standard size pillows
• Stationery
• Plain envelopes
• Blank note cards
• Journals
• New or used Alcoholics Anonymous books
• New or used Narcotics Anonymous books
• Vacuums (4)
• Towels
• Patio Furniture
• Bath rugs
• Indoor plants
• Area rugs for living rooms
• Small refrigerator
• Hard plastic/ceramic (plates, bowls, cups)
Alpha Home cannot accept:
• Party dresses
• Flip flops
• Short shorts
• Baby items of any kind
• Used electronics
January Nerd Night at Geekdom Benefiting Alpha Home2017-12-26T10:18:36-06:00

Nerd Night @ Geekdom Benefiting Merced Housing TX

Join us as we gather in support of Merced’s mission to create and strengthen healthy communities by providing quality, affordable, service-enriched housing.

Wish list to come! Check this space.

Nerd Night @ Geekdom Benefiting Merced Housing TX2017-11-28T12:57:02-06:00

September Nerd Night @ Knight Watch

The Children’s Bereavement Center of South Texas is the sole provider of ongoing, youth-focused grief support for families in San Antonio and South Texas. Most services are provided free of charge. Programs at the Center are designed to help children and families process the psychological and emotional challenges of death and loss in a safe and nurturing environment. CBCST helped over 1500 children and adult caregivers in 2015.

Join us at our September Nerd Nights as we gather items to support the Center in its mission to foster healing for grieving youth, their families and the community.

Items Needed:

Art supplies:
Washable Markers
Washable Acrylic Paint (Pink, Red, Blue, Green, Black, Yellow, Purple, etc.)
Paint brushes/foam brushes
8×10 Blank Canvas
Scrapbooking items
Sidewalk chalk
Fabric paint
Paint markers

Other materials:
Individual sized fruit-flavored snacks
Individually packaged snacks (Cheese-Its, Ritz Bits, Graham Crackers, gold fish, etc.)
Granola bars
Facial tissues
Clorox wipes
Hand sanitizer
Glow sticks/glow in the dark necklaces, etc.
AA/AAA batteries
Funky duct tape

Gift Cards:
Office Depot/Office Max
Michael’s Arts and Craft Store
Hobby Lobby
Lowe’s/Home Depot

Birthday gifts:
New items for children 3-18 years of age

Teddy Bears:
NEW bears in brown, black or white

Every child that receives services from CBCST goes home with a teddy bear as a reminder that they are not alone.

Food/Drink: Bring your own, or we can order something as a group if there is interest.

September Nerd Night @ Knight Watch2017-09-15T10:16:48-06:00

July Nerd Night @ Knight Watch: SAMMinistries Back-to-School Bash

Our July Nerd Night events on July 14th and 23rd will support SAMMinistries’ annual Back-to-School Bash, taking place in August. Each year, SAMMinistries invites more than 200 children from their programs across the city to attend and shop for back-to-school clothing and supplies. See the list below for “most needed” items.


3″ – 4″ Binders
Pocket Folders with Brads (different colors)
200-count Kleenex Tissues
9″ x 12″ Assorted Construction Paper (loose)
Red Pencils 10-count Divider Pages (for the binders)

July Nerd Night @ Knight Watch: SAMMinistries Back-to-School Bash2017-07-11T22:18:14-06:00
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