July Nerd Night @ Geekdom: SAMMinistries Back-to-School Bash

Our July Nerd Night events on July 14th and 23rd will support SAMMinistries’ annual Back-to-School Bash, taking place in August. Each year, SAMMinistries invites more than 200 children from their programs across the city to attend and shop for back-to-school clothing and supplies. See the list below for “most needed” items.


3″ – 4″ Binders
Pocket Folders with Brads (different colors)
200-count Kleenex Tissues
9″ x 12″ Assorted Construction Paper (loose)
Red Pencils 10-count Divider Pages (for the binders)


Free parking 2 blocks from the EC at the Frost Employee (surface) lot at Houston & Flores. Come play with us!

July Nerd Night @ Geekdom: SAMMinistries Back-to-School Bash2017-07-11T22:15:32-06:00

June @ Knight Watch Games: Texas Burn Survivor Society

Some disturbing but important facts:

Burns are the leading cause of injury to San Antonio children under age 16.

– The number of burn injuries has grown over 50% in the past five years.

– Fire injuries constitute the fifth largest cause of injury-related hospitalizations reported among Texas residents.

How can you help?

June’s partner organization is the Texas Burn Survivor Society. TBSS founder David Jayne was critically burned in a helicopter accident and spent three years enduring treatment and rehab at Brooke Army Medical Center’s Burn Unit. David and his wife Jane were determined to provide the kind of support for others they themselves had so sorely needed, and in 1962 TBSS was born.

We will be stuffing backpacks for Camp David, a week-long camp for pediatric burn survivors, their siblings, and also the children of adult burn survivors. Campers experience a week of adventure, discovery and fun, designed specifically for children ages 7 to 16. Camp David is unique among burn camps because it also includes siblings and children of burn survivors, whose lives are also severely impacted by burn injury. This amazing camp is made available to the children free of charge!

Camp David, named in honor of TBSS co-founded David Jayne, is in its 22nd year and will take place July 9-15 at Texas Lions Camp in Kerrville, where it has been since 2007. On average, the camp hosts 55 campers each year. This year, they will host at least 65 campers. The camp is financed by private donations and is free of charge for all campers.

Backpack Items

Beach Towels/Large Bath Towels

School Supplies

Snack Items (granola bars, sugar free mints/gum, etc.)

Beanie Babies or Similar Small Stuffed Animals

Small Puzzle Toys

Small Journals or Notepads

Decals and Stickers

Friendship Bracelets

June @ Knight Watch Games: Texas Burn Survivor Society2017-06-04T09:59:04-06:00

June @ Geekdom: Texas Burn Survivor Society

Some disturbing but important facts:

Burns are the leading cause of injury to San Antonio children under age 16.

– The number of burn injuries has grown over 50% in the past five years.

– Fire injuries constitute the fifth largest cause of injury-related hospitalizations reported among Texas residents.

How can you help?

June’s partner organization is the Texas Burn Survivor Society. TBSS founder David Jayne was critically burned in a helicopter accident and spent three years enduring treatment and rehab at Brooke Army Medical Center’s Burn Unit. David and his wife Jane were determined to provide the kind of support for others they themselves had so sorely needed, and in 1962 TBSS was born.

We will be stuffing backpacks for Camp David, a week-long camp for pediatric burn survivors, their siblings, and also the children of adult burn survivors. Campers experience a week of adventure, discovery and fun, designed specifically for children ages 7 to 16. Camp David is unique among burn camps because it also includes siblings and children of burn survivors, whose lives are also severely impacted by burn injury. This amazing camp is made available to the children free of charge!

Camp David, named in honor of TBSS co-founded David Jayne, is in its 22nd year and will take place July 9-15 at Texas Lions Camp in Kerrville, where it has been since 2007. On average, the camp hosts 55 campers each year. This year, they will host at least 65 campers. The camp is financed by private donations and is free of charge for all campers.

Backpack Items

Beach Towels/Large Bath Towels

School Supplies

Snack Items (granola bars, sugar free mints/gum, etc.)

Beanie Babies or Similar Small Stuffed Animals

Small Puzzle Toys

Small Journals or Notepads

Decals and Stickers

Friendship Bracelets

June @ Geekdom: Texas Burn Survivor Society2017-06-04T09:55:28-06:00

May Nerd Night (2nd Friday) @ Geekdom

The San Antonio Food Bank distributes food to more than 58,000 individuals struggling with food insecurity in Southwest Texas each week. 17.1% of the population of Texas is food insecure, the second highest rate in the country. Food insecurity in Southwest Texas affects one in five adults and one in four children. Join us in supporting the San Antonio Food Bank in the month of May. Donate food at Geekdom and Knight Watch Games from May 3rd – May 30th. Look for the big red barrel!

Most needed items:
Peanut Butter
Macaroni & Cheese
Canned Stews & Soups
Canned Luncheon Meats
Full Meals in a Can/Box
“Pop-Top” Food Items

May Nerd Night (2nd Friday) @ Geekdom2017-05-03T15:53:43-06:00

March Nerd Night @ Knight Watch Games

This month we are collecting items for the Battered Women and Children’s Shelter. This facility, run by Family Violence Prevention Services, gives every person seeking help and shelter a safe haven. They run a 24-hour crisis hotline, offer case management, a children’s program, counseling, emergency food and clothing (more on that in a moment), legal advocacy and referral, medical and dental care, parent education, workshops and support groups, and a lot of educational services that help women and their children become self-sufficient.

The shelter is in need of a number of personal and household items that are accepted in new or gently-used condition. I’ll post a complete list in the charity profile later this week, but here are some highlights. All of these things will be collected at Nerd Night on January 8th. If you have a large item or need to donate at another time, give the donation center a call at (210) 733-3536 and Mari will make arrangements.

Baby Items

8-oz. Baby Bottles
Bottle Brushes
Baby Shampoo & Lotion
Diapers: Large sizes, 4, 5 & 6
Pull-ups: Large sizes
Baby Wipes

Personal Hygiene

Hand Gel/Soap (full size)
Bat Gel/Soap (full size)
Shampoo & Conditioner (full size)
Toothpaste & Toothbrushes
Hair Brushes & Combs
African-American Hair Products

Linens & Bath

Full/Twin Sheets – White only
Blankets & Comforters – White only
Towels & Washcloths
Shower Curtains

Clothing & Shoes

New children’s underwear (all sizes)
New women’s underwear (Size 6+)
House Slippers
School Uniforms (sizes 4-20)

March Nerd Night @ Knight Watch Games2017-03-23T04:24:53-06:00

February Nerd Night @ Knight Watch Games

Join us for an afternoon of board games as we gather to support SNIPSA! Bring an item from the wish list below and stay all night to game with us at the best local game store in town!

SNIPSA is an organization formed by a group of veterinarians and caring individuals dedicated to helping homeless and unwanted animals in San Antonio and the surrounding area. SNIPSA does not have a standing shelter and depends on a core group of volunteers to foster and rehabilitate animals in their homes. This gives them the opportunity to learn first hand about the animal’s needs and behavior in order to facilitate an appropriate adoption. SNIPSA was incorporated in 2006 and has re-homed more than 7000 animals.

Paper Towels
Laundry Detergent (Original Tide, High Efficiency)
Clorox Clean Up
Baby Wipes
Nylon Dog Leashes
Nylon Collars (various sizes)
Science Diet Food (Adult, Puppy, Cat, & Kitten)
Puppy/Kitten Formula
Tidy Cat Litter (Regular Non-Clumping)
Small Plastic Litter Pans
Frontline Plus/Advantage
Flea and Tick Prevention
Trash Bags (Yard & Kitchen Size)
Old Newspaper
Hand Sanitizer
Office Supplies (8.5×11 White Copy Paper, Sharpies, Ball Point Pens, Scotch Tape, Painter’s Tape for Surgical Packs)
First Class Postage Stamps
Gift Cards (Gas, Home Depot, Office Max, Wal-Mart)

February Nerd Night @ Knight Watch Games2017-02-19T16:15:50-06:00

Charity Spotlight: Alpha Home

For 50 years, Alpha Home has been committed to treating the whole person—not just the addiction— by caring, qualified professionals. By incorporating their core values of spirituality, integrity, discipline, dedication and productivity into their treatment approach, they focus on the whole person and give those they serve the best tools for responsible, long-term sobriety.

Alpha Home has the only San Antonio gender-specific Residential Rehab Program dedicated exclusively to treating women.

The Residential treatment program provides women intensive and expansive therapeutic drug rehab and alcoholism addiction treatment program in a home-like residential setting that prepares them to remain clean and sober while embracing the benefit of a lifelong 12-Step commitment. Centrally located, Alpha Home is the perfect place to find serenity and begin working toward a new life.

Alpha Home offers dual diagnosis support for women who suffer from substance abuse and mental health issues. By providing gender-specific treatment in a nurturing environment, their program encourages women to focus on female specific issues. Over the course of the program, women are immersed in the 12 step program and are helped with important life skills, a combination that allows them to find sobriety and the courage to maintain it after they leave treatment.

Alpha Home offers two homes for women to live in during treatment. The Mulberry home has 31 beds, located in the middle of the Monte Vista Historic District, and the Camden home with 16 beds located near downtown. The bedrooms are cozy yet roomy, with twin-sized beds and a shared bath. The homes also include a large kitchen, dining room, media center, living room with cable television and on-site direct care staff.

Alpha Home’s Outpatient Treatment Program is a program for both women and men who are seeking treatment but have the skills and support to recover without residential care. The 16 week program offers gender-specific programs for both females and males 18 years and older, evidence based curriculums, and trauma-informed care.


Wish List

New or gently used women’s coats and sweaters

Women’s undergarments (new only):

  • Bras
  • Underwear
  • Socks
  • Pajamas


Toiletries (new only):

  • Toothbrushes
  • 15 oz. bottles of shampoo and conditioner
  • Wash cloths
  • Full size tubes of toothpaste
  • Regular size bars of soap
  • Makeup
  • Hotel/travel size toiletries


Tools and equipment (new only):

  • Hedge trimmer
  • Power washer
  • Nail gun
  • Air compressor
  • Circular saw
  • Reciprocating saw


Other needs (new only):

  • Bath towels
  • Twin sheet sets
  • Standard size pillows
  • Stationery
  • Plain envelopes
  • Blank note cards
  • Journals
  • New or used Alcoholics Anonymous books
  • New or used Narcotics Anonymous books
  • Vacuums (4)
  • Towels
  • Patio Furniture
  • Bath rugs
  • Indoor plants
  • Area rugs for living rooms
  • Small refrigerator
  • Hard plastic/ceramic (plates, bowls, cups)


Alpha Home cannot accept:

  • Party dresses
  • Flip flops
  • Short shorts
  • Baby items of any kind
  • Used electronics
Charity Spotlight: Alpha Home2016-12-28T16:32:29-06:00

December Nerd Night @ Knight Watch Games

The San Antonio Food Bank distributes food to more than 58,000 individuals struggling with food insecurity in Southwest Texas each week. 17.1% of the population of Texas is food insecure, the second highest rate in the country. Food insecurity in Southwest Texas affects one in five adults and one in four children.

Join us in supporting the San Antonio Food Bank in the month of December. Donate food at Geekdom and Knight Watch Games from Dec 1st – Dec 31st. Look for the big red barrel!

Most needed items:
Peanut Butter
Macaroni & Cheese
Canned Stews & Soups
Canned Luncheon Meats
Full Meals in a Can/Box
“Pop-Top” Food Items

December Nerd Night @ Knight Watch Games2016-11-26T18:59:46-06:00

December Nerd Night @ Geekdom

The San Antonio Food Bank distributes food to more than 58,000 individuals struggling with food insecurity in Southwest Texas each week. 17.1% of the population of Texas is food insecure, the second highest rate in the country. Food insecurity in Southwest Texas affects one in five adults and one in four children.

Join us in supporting the San Antonio Food Bank in the month of December. Donate food at Geekdom and Knight Watch Games from Dec 1st – Dec 31st. Look for the big red barrel!

Most needed items:
Peanut Butter
Macaroni & Cheese
Canned Stews & Soups
Canned Luncheon Meats
Full Meals in a Can/Box
“Pop-Top” Food Items

December Nerd Night @ Geekdom2016-11-26T18:59:09-06:00
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