So, I know I say this almost every post, but…

You. Guys. Are. Awesome.

I won’t lie, I was worried about the venue change and all of you making the move to another part of town. But wow, did you all prove that I worry a lot over nothing! We had FIFTY happy game-playing nerds at Geeks Cafe on Friday, and you all collected an amazing amount of STUFF for SAMMinistries. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

February Nerd Night

February Nerd Night


February Nerd Night - Nathan's Room

Nathan’s Room


February Nerd Night - Ticket to Ride

Ticket to Ride


February Nerd Night - Paulina, Kelly & Shane

Paulina, Kelly & Shane


February Nerd Night - Keller, Aiden and friend



February Nerd Night - Vince



February Nerd Night - Winner!



Melanie from SAMMinistries speaking to the group

Melanie from SAMMinistries speaking to the group

Anyway. Apologies for some of these blurry pictures, I’m apparently challenged when I don’t have a flash.

Our next Nerd Night is scheduled for March 11 and will again be at Geeks Cafe. We’re collecting items for the Animal Defense League of Texas. I will post a spotlight article very soon with details about what items they are in need of to take care of all the pups and kitties that are lucky enough to end up in this no-kill shelter.

Shameless plug time!

Art by Freddy Gonzalez

Art by Freddy Gonzalez

This fabulous piece of art has been donated to help raise money for SAMMinistries. Colleen and Vince of GaMExpo and Geek Out SA are handling a silent auction. Starting bid is $100. Get on over to their Facebook page and make a bid, y’all!

Speaking of Geek Out SA…

[youtube id=”0_0-UjV3Vx4″ width=”600″ height=”350″ autoplay=”no” api_params=”” class=””]

Nathan and I stopped by to plug Nerd Night and talk about all things geeky. Give it a watch!