Nerd Night @ Knight Watch Games Benefiting Snack Pak 4 Kids

Beneficiary organization: Snack Pak 4 Kids – San Antonio

Please join us at Knight Watch Games for a full day of board gaming as we welcome our first new nonprofit partner of 2018, Snack Pak 4 Kids!

16-18 oz Jars of Peanut Butter

SP4K strives to provide weekend food security to kids who might go hungry when not able to avail themselves of school meal programs provided during the week.

In Bexar County alone, over 120,000 children are considered to be food insecure. Of those, it is estimated that 10-20% actually deal with chronic hunger (i.e. they lack adequate nutrition to lead a healthy, productive life).

Snack Pak 4 Kids San Antonio works hard to be a learning enhancement tool for these kids, solving their weekend hunger issue so they can learn during the school week.

Learn more:

The ONLY ITEM we are requesting as a donation for our February events is peanut butter. Size is important as these jars are sent home with kids and anything larger is too heavy or bulky for their backpacks.

• What to bring
16-18 oz jar of Peanut Butter and your favorite board games!

Nerd Night @ Knight Watch Games Benefiting Snack Pak 4 Kids2018-02-06T09:21:20-06:00

D&D Epic Game Night Benefiting Snack Pak 4 Kids

This event is co-hosted with Magic Beans Gaming Cafe and, if you want to play in the Adventurer’s League Epic, has a cost of $5/seat, all of which will go to benefit Snack Pak 4 Kids. We will also be there playing board games and partaking of Magic Beans’ delicious nibbles all day long! See details below:

San Antonio has an Epic! We are doing Peril at the Port 7-1 to accommodate newer players. To guarantee you a seat, please signup through warhorn, listed below. We will be doing season 7 quests from 11a start time over at the latest 3pm which should not be an issue. 8pm is open play, so whoever is left and wants to quest one more time, we can do it.


Our partner charity this month is Snack Pak 4 Kids, an organization that strives to provide weekend food security to kids who might go hungry when not able to avail themselves of school meal programs provided during the week.

16-18 oz Jars of Peanut Butter

Learn more:

The ONLY ITEM we are requesting as a donation for SA Nerd Night February events is peanut butter. Size is important as these jars are sent home with kids and anything larger is too heavy or bulky for their backpacks.

D&D Epic Game Night Benefiting Snack Pak 4 Kids2018-02-06T09:19:07-06:00

Nerd Night @ Geekdom Benefiting Snack Pak 4 Kids

Beneficiary organization: Snack Pak 4 Kids – San Antonio

Please join us at the Geekdom Event Centre for a night of board gaming as we welcome our first new nonprofit partner of 2018, Snack Pak 4 Kids!

16-18 oz Jars of Peanut Butter

SP4K strives to provide weekend food security to kids who might go hungry when not able to avail themselves of school meal programs provided during the week.

In Bexar County alone, over 120,000 children are considered to be food insecure. Of those, it is estimated that 10-20% actually deal with chronic hunger (i.e. they lack adequate nutrition to lead a healthy, productive life).

Snack Pak 4 Kids San Antonio works hard to be a learning enhancement tool for these kids, solving their weekend hunger issue so they can learn during the school week.

Learn more:

The ONLY ITEM we are requesting as a donation for our February events is peanut butter. Size is important as these jars are sent home with kids and anything larger is too heavy or bulky for their backpacks.

• What to bring:
16-18 oz jar of Peanut Butter and your favorite board games!

Nerd Night @ Geekdom Benefiting Snack Pak 4 Kids2018-02-06T09:12:49-06:00

February Nerd Night @ Knight Watch Games

Join us for an afternoon of board games as we gather to support SNIPSA! Bring an item from the wish list below and stay all night to game with us at the best local game store in town!

SNIPSA is an organization formed by a group of veterinarians and caring individuals dedicated to helping homeless and unwanted animals in San Antonio and the surrounding area. SNIPSA does not have a standing shelter and depends on a core group of volunteers to foster and rehabilitate animals in their homes. This gives them the opportunity to learn first hand about the animal’s needs and behavior in order to facilitate an appropriate adoption. SNIPSA was incorporated in 2006 and has re-homed more than 7000 animals.

Paper Towels
Laundry Detergent (Original Tide, High Efficiency)
Clorox Clean Up
Baby Wipes
Nylon Dog Leashes
Nylon Collars (various sizes)
Science Diet Food (Adult, Puppy, Cat, & Kitten)
Puppy/Kitten Formula
Tidy Cat Litter (Regular Non-Clumping)
Small Plastic Litter Pans
Frontline Plus/Advantage
Flea and Tick Prevention
Trash Bags (Yard & Kitchen Size)
Old Newspaper
Hand Sanitizer
Office Supplies (8.5×11 White Copy Paper, Sharpies, Ball Point Pens, Scotch Tape, Painter’s Tape for Surgical Packs)
First Class Postage Stamps
Gift Cards (Gas, Home Depot, Office Max, Wal-Mart)

February Nerd Night @ Knight Watch Games2017-02-19T16:15:50-06:00

February Nerd Night Wrap Up

So, I know I say this almost every post, but…

You. Guys. Are. Awesome.

I won’t lie, I was worried about the venue change and all of you making the move to another part of town. But wow, did you all prove that I worry a lot over nothing! We had FIFTY happy game-playing nerds at Geeks Cafe on Friday, and you all collected an amazing amount of STUFF for SAMMinistries. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

February Nerd Night

February Nerd Night


February Nerd Night - Nathan's Room

Nathan’s Room


February Nerd Night - Ticket to Ride

Ticket to Ride


February Nerd Night - Paulina, Kelly & Shane

Paulina, Kelly & Shane


February Nerd Night - Keller, Aiden and friend



February Nerd Night - Vince



February Nerd Night - Winner!



Melanie from SAMMinistries speaking to the group

Melanie from SAMMinistries speaking to the group

Anyway. Apologies for some of these blurry pictures, I’m apparently challenged when I don’t have a flash.

Our next Nerd Night is scheduled for March 11 and will again be at Geeks Cafe. We’re collecting items for the Animal Defense League of Texas. I will post a spotlight article very soon with details about what items they are in need of to take care of all the pups and kitties that are lucky enough to end up in this no-kill shelter.

Shameless plug time!

Art by Freddy Gonzalez

Art by Freddy Gonzalez

This fabulous piece of art has been donated to help raise money for SAMMinistries. Colleen and Vince of GaMExpo and Geek Out SA are handling a silent auction. Starting bid is $100. Get on over to their Facebook page and make a bid, y’all!

Speaking of Geek Out SA…

[youtube id=”0_0-UjV3Vx4″ width=”600″ height=”350″ autoplay=”no” api_params=”” class=””]

Nathan and I stopped by to plug Nerd Night and talk about all things geeky. Give it a watch!


February Nerd Night Wrap Up2016-11-25T10:59:36-06:00

February Nerd Night

This month we will tackle the issue of homelessness in San Antonio. Our benefit charity is SAMMinistries, whose mission is to help the homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless attain self-sufficiency by offering, with dignity and compassion, shelter, housing, and services. Since 2008, SAMM has prevented 20,000 San Antonians from entering homelessness. Each night, SAMM offers 350 families a place to call home. In 2014, 98% of the families served through SAMM’s Homeless Prevention Program remained out of homelessness after 18 months.

February Nerd Night will specifically be targeting item collection for “Welcome Baskets,” given to each family as they enter SAMMinistries’ Transitional Housing program. These baskets give families much-needed household goods as they begin their journey to self-sufficiency. We will collect the following items at Nerd Night and deliver them to SAMM’s donation center.


Dish Sets & Large Plastic Cups
Flatware Sets
Pots & Pans
Cooking Tools (ex: wooden spoons)
Oven Mitts & Pot Holders


Sheet Sets: Twin & Full
Crib Sheets
Comforters: Twin & Full
Towel Sets: Bath, Hand & Washcloths


Buckets & Sponge Mops
All-Purpose Cleaner
Antibacterial Wipes & Bleach
Brooms & Dustpans
Dish Detergent
Toilet Brushes & Toilet Cleaner


Garbage Cans & Trash Bags, 13-gallon
Laundry Detergent
Laundry Baskets

February Nerd Night2016-02-01T15:19:07-06:00

Charity Spotlight: SAMMinistries

About SAMMinistries

SAMMinistries is an interfaith ministry whose mission is to help the homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless attain self-sufficiency by offering, with dignity and compassion, shelter, housing, and services. Since 2008, SAMM has prevented 20,000 San Antonians from entering homelessness. Each night, SAMM offers 350 families a place to call home. In 2014, 98% of the families served through SAMM’s Homeless Prevention Program remained out of homelessness after 18 months.

[youtube id=”eR21dMmKWC8″ width=”600″ height=”350″ autoplay=”no” api_params=”” class=””]

Homelessness in the SA Metro Area

Homelessness is a real problem in San Antonio and its surrounding communities. We will get a new survey later this month to count current homeless, but 2015 numbers are available from SARAH, the South Alamo Regional Alliance for the Homeless. In 2015, there were 2,891 homeless individuals counted at the Point-In-Time (PIT) Count. The PIT Count is required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and is used in determining federal funding for San Antonio’s homeless programs. 546 of these were children (average age of 6) and 309 of these were veterans. This total number has been largely steady for the last three years (2,892 in 2014 and 2,980 in 2013). SAMMinistries estimates the current San Antonio homeless population at approximately 3,211.

While 3,211 may not seem like a very large number in a city with a population of 1.4 million, the reality is that nearly 50% of San Antonio’s population is living with no savings, which puts them at a high risk of becoming homeless if they experience a loss of income. More than half of all homeless individuals in San Antonio cite a loss of income as their reason for homelessness, and affordable housing is the most requested service by homeless individuals in San Antonio.

SAMMinistries offers the following services:

  • Homeless Prevention: Providing rental assistance, utility assistance and supportive services to enable individuals, families, veterans and seniors who are in imminent danger of eviction avoid homelessness.
  • Transitional Housing: SAMMinistries offers 65 families transitional housing through individual homes in San Antonio, as well as the Transitional Living and Learning Center (TLLC). The Transitional Housing program provides housing, support and resources to families who show a commitment to gaining self-sufficiency. The individual needs of all family members are supported for a two-year period, promoting the viability of the family as a whole while they transition out of homelessness.
  • Rapid Re-Housing: The Rapid Re-Housing program reduces the amount of time a family experiences homelessness and rapidly re-houses families into permanent, affordable homes. Financial assistance is provided for up to 3 months along with 12 months of case management.
  • Permanent Supportive Housing: Permanent Supportive Housing assists and empowers families to live as independently as possible. SAMMinistries has a permanent housing program that assists families with whom one member of the family has a disability. SAMMinistries also manages 100 set-aside housing vouchers to help families find permanent housing in the private rental market.
  • Supportive Services: In order to serve their clients and the community holistically, SAMMinistries offers supportive services to all program participants to support them spiritually, mentally and physically. These services include spiritual services, educational assistance, wellness classes and employment development.

What are we doing to help?

February Nerd Night on February 12th will specifically be targeting item collection for “Welcome Baskets,” given to each family as they enter SAMMinistries’ Transitional Housing program. These baskets give families much-needed household goods as they begin their journey to self-sufficiency. We will collect the following items at Nerd Night and deliver them to SAMM’s donation center.


Dish Sets & Large Plastic Cups
Flatware Sets
Pots & Pans
Cooking Tools (ex: wooden spoons)
Oven Mitts & Pot Holders


Sheet Sets: Twin & Full
Crib Sheets
Comforters: Twin & Full
Towel Sets: Bath, Hand & Washcloths


Buckets & Sponge Mops
All-Purpose Cleaner
Antibacterial Wipes & Bleach
Brooms & Dustpans
Dish Detergent
Toilet Brushes & Toilet Cleaner


Garbage Cans & Trash Bags, 13-gallon
Laundry Detergent
Laundry Baskets


Charity Spotlight: SAMMinistries2016-11-25T10:59:38-06:00
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