I don’t want your money.

I don’t want your money.

Now that I have your attention… I’m going to address something that only a couple of people have spoken to me about directly, but I’ll assume is more widely-thought based on some pretty clear evidence.

Last month, I launched a crowd funding campaign to raise money for a number of Nerd Night expenses – past, current and future hopes and dreams types of things – and to put it bluntly, the response has been underwhelming. I know the people who attend our events are generous folks, I see evidence of that every month when I load up piles of donations into my car. I see it when people smile and look astonished at the huge pile of stuff I’m unloading in front of their nonprofit’s offices. I see it when people text me asking what they can bring, what’s needed. I see it all the time. So I was surprised at the lack of contributions to the campaign, a little sad and hurt even. It was disappointing.

A couple of friends came to me after the March event and wanted to talk about it, they said that people had been burned by nonprofits asking for cash, they didn’t see what we needed the money for, they wanted to dissect our monthly expenses. I think (I hope) I did a pretty good job of listening. They had some good points. I’m probably going to take a few of their suggestions.

See, I know I’m a control freak. I’ve had (and I’ve been pretty upfront about this) a hard time relinquishing control of ALL THE THINGS to people who are willing to help. And that’s hard, because I need the help, so I have to let them in. I’m trying! Like I said, I see my failing here. But you need to understand:

Everything that’s been bought for San Antonio Nerd Night thus far (with one exception) has come entirely out of my personal bank account. Monthly postcard printing, the banner that hangs at our events, our web hosting, the Meetup group, social media promotion boosts, fees to file forms, the shirts people wear with the logo on it, gas to drive donations where they need to go, door prizes… It comes out to quite a bit of money. It’s money that’s just gone; most of it can’t be reimbursed, it was before we incorporated. I don’t begrudge any of it; I wouldn’t have started the group if it bothered me at all. It’s just not sustainable as we move forward.

Beyond that, now that we are a nonprofit, with a board of directors with different ideas about how we’d like to grow? They all bring amazing things to the table. I wouldn’t have asked them to help me if I didn’t adore their brains. But they all have ideas! So many wonderful, exciting, interesting ideas. And all of those ideas need THINGS. Now, I know we can’t do everything at once. We’re trying to grow in a measured way. But when something comes up that’s completely doable, if we just had a little capital, and we have to turn it down because there is $90 in the bank account, that’s very frustrating. None of us have the money to just write a check.

“But wait,” you’re saying right now. “I thought she said she DIDN’T want our money?”

I don’t. I wish I could keep paying for it all forever. But I can’t. In order for Nerd Night to become what I’ve imagined, what the board envisions, a charity organization with the ability to really make a difference in San Antonio, we need more than what I can personally fund. However, I respect what I’m hearing from those of you who maybe can’t trust where the money will end up. So, here’s a small breakdown.

  • We need $400 to file our 501(c)(3) paperwork, which is required to get tax-exempt status on everything we purchase for the group, from printing to t-shirts to games for the game library. This would save us a lot of money.
  • Approximately $420/year in web hosting and Meetup fees.
  • Approximately $40/month in promotional printing (postcards, signage, etc) for a total of $480/year. I get a very good deal on this, because I work for a printer.

This comes out to a total of $1300. I requested $2000 in the crowd funding campaign because I wanted a small cushion in the account for fronting projects that come up unexpectedly – things like economical t-shirt printing, or fees to participate in events like the King William Fair (or Fiesta in general) – we were invited to participate in that this year but have had to turn it down due to not being able to pay the booth fees – or a Nerd Night game library so that we’re not relying on my and other people’s personal game collections at our events. We have miscellaneous things that come up from time to time, like any organization. A binder to keep our meeting minutes in, or making copies of the bylaws before our initial board meeting so everyone could read them ahead of the vote, a fee to the state of Texas to do a search on our desired corporate name before filing our certificate of incorporation – you know, just expenses that any group trying to stay organized and follow the rules and put on great events might have.

This has gotten really long, and if the tone is different from my usual blog posts, I apologize. I’m frankly a little down about the money stuff. I love this group of people. And I look at San Antonio Nerd Night as more than just a gaming group. In fact, I don’t even think of it primarily as a gaming group – it’s a charity organization that happens to game. And as such there’s a certain amount of sacrifice I’m prepared to make personally. None of this money is for ME. It’s going into the SANN bank account. The crowd funding is set up as a “personal” fundraiser because we aren’t 501(c)(3) yet so I CAN’T set it up any other way.

If any of you have any questions about this and want to discuss it, please feel free to reach out to me or to any of the other board members. I’m going to be putting their contact information up on the website shortly. I don’t want to ask for your money over and over, I don’t want to ask for it at all. I’m hoping that with a little bit of seed money, we can make whatever money we might need to be self-sustaining. Please consider contributing.

– Stephanie

San Antonio Nerd Night Fundraiser on Crowdrise

I don’t want your money.2016-11-25T10:59:34-06:00

May Nerd Night: Book Buddies

San Antonio Nerd Night Benefiting Book Buddies

May’s partner organization is Book Buddies, an initiative of San Antonio Youth Literacy. Book Buddies collects books suitable for kids in kindergarten through 5th grade and distributes them at the end of the school year in free book fairs at their Reading Buddy Schools.

Children choose books to take home to read over the summer, which helps prevent the “summer slide” — a regression in learning over summer vacation when they are not being actively taught. Studies also show that children who grow up in homes without books, and who are not read to as children, are far more likely to fall behind in school, fail to complete high school, and suffer the unfortunate outcomes associated with failure: drug use, criminal behavior, early pregnancy, etc.

San Antonio Youth Literacy developed Book Buddies as an offshoot of their Reading Buddy program, which exists in San Antonio Title 1 schools where at least 75% of the families are below the poverty line. Children at these schools attend the free book fairs at the end of the school year and take the books home and keep them as their own. They can read them over the summer, share them with family and friends, or even their parents. In many cases these donated books are the only books in the home. An added benefit is that children in more advantaged homes learn to share their no longer needed books with another child. Everybody wins!

May Nerd Night is holding a book drive to collect books for this year’s fairs. Bring your new or gently used books to Geeks Café on May 13th!

Types of Books Needed

Picture Books (Example: Where the Wild Things Are)
I Can Read series
Children’s chapter books
Any book appropriate up to a 6th grade level

Amazon Shopping Suggestions 


May Nerd Night: Book Buddies2016-11-25T10:59:40-06:00

Charity Spotlight: San Antonio AIDS Foundation

About The San Antonio AIDS Foundation

The San Antonio AIDS Foundation was founded in 1986 by Papa Bear, aka Robert Edwards, to respond to the medical and social crisis of AIDS in the 1980s at a time when many were afraid and there was little assistance for people who were sick. SAAF’s mission is to provide compassionate medical care and social services to people with HIV/AIDS, and to help prevent the spread of HIV through education, counseling and testing.

SAAF began in the back of a bar with an all-volunteer-staffed hospice and seven clients, and has grown into a multi-service agency reaching thousands of individuals every year with healthcare, support services and prevention education outreach. All the services provided are free, with a requested sliding scale donation for those who can pay.

SAAF is the only organization in Texas that offers residential HIV/AIDS special care/hospice facilities and is the largest licensed HIV/AIDS special care facility in the state. They also operate Carson House, a 20-bed transitional housing facility for HIV-positive homeless individuals, and the only mobile HIV-testing unit in Bexar County.

Some of the services SAAF offers are:

  • Testing and Education
  • Special Care Facility and Hospice Care
  • Case Management
  • Hot Meal Program
  • Short-Term Transitional Housing
  • Dental Assistance

San Antonio Nerd Night will be partnering with SAAF this month to collect items to support the needs of their in-house and transitional housing clients. Please join us as we help SAAF further their mission of compassionate care for all those with HIV/AIDS without discrimination on any basis. Nerd Night is Friday, April 8th, and needed items are:

Men’s Boxer Underwear (M/L)
Men’s Slippers
Men’s T-Shirts (M/L)
Men’s Socks
Men’s Flip Flops (11-13)
Women’s Flip Flops (S/M/L)
Men’s and Women’s Deodorant
Furniture (primarily Dressers/Nightstands)
Used DVDs
Dish Soap
Cleaning Sponges
Bed Sheets, Twin (Fitted and Flat)
Bath Towels



Charity Spotlight: San Antonio AIDS Foundation2016-11-25T10:59:34-06:00

March Nerd Night Wrap-Up

Going to the Dogs

Hello again! Thank you to everyone for a super successful March Nerd Night. We gathered a ton of things for the Animal Defense League and I delivered them earlier this week. They were over the moon about the quantity of items. It’s always a good feeling when I drop off the donations, so thanks to all of you for a bright spot in my Monday.

Animal Defense League Donations

A note on Nerd Nights going forward. We know we were overcrowded, and we’re working with Geeks Cafe on a way to alleviate that – new table layouts, more chairs, maybe moving the sofas somewhere… long story short we know it was hard to move around and we want you guys to have a comfortable place to game, so we’ll work on it for next time!

Speaking of next time

April’s charity is the San Antonio AIDS Foundation. Spotlight to come soon. The date is April 8th. We’ll be gathering items for clients of their housing and hospice programs.

Our next event, though, is ReDo Recess at the DoSeum. I’m looking for a few people to come with us and hand out postcards, talk about Nerd Night, and help out with staffing their event. You’ll get a free ticket to Recess (which is a lot of fun) and also I’ll be decking you out in a fabulous Nerd Night polo that you can wear to future events! If you’re interested drop me a line (steph@sanerdnight.org) ASAP please.

Who knew you all were so photogenic?

Thanks to Lene Griego of Master Photography by LG for graciously sharing her photos of the event with me! So much nicer than my camera phone pictures.

Don Jennings - Animal Defense League - Master Photography by LG

Don Jennings from the Animal Defense League speaks about their mission.

March Nerd Night - Master Photography by LG

Don Williams - Animal Defense League - Master Photography by LG

Childs Play March Nerd Night - Master Photography by LG

Childs Play had their mobile store at the event.

March Nerd Night - Master Photography by LG

March Nerd Night - Master Photography by LG

March Nerd Night - Master Photography by LG

Geek Out SA March Nerd Night - Master Photography by LG

Geek Out SA doing that podcast thing they do.

March Nerd Night - Master Photography by LG

This game involved donuts, I’m told. And there’s a kickstarter? Someone give me links.

March Nerd Night - Master Photography by LG

March Nerd Night - Master Photography by LG

March Nerd Night - Master Photography by LG

Red Star Gaming March Nerd Night - Master Photography by LG

Red Star Gaming

March Nerd Night - Master Photography by LG

March Nerd Night Wrap-Up2016-11-25T10:59:34-06:00

April Nerd Night: San Antonio AIDS Foundation

April’s partner organization is the San Antonio AIDS Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit with a dual mission – to provide compassionate medical care and social services to people with HIV/AIDS, and to help prevent the spread of HIV through education, counseling and testing.

The San Antonio AIDS Foundation exists to provide dignity and comfort to individuals infected with HIV and AIDS. SAAF was founded in 1986 by Papa Bear, aka Robert Edwards, a local bar owner who responded to the medical and social crisis at a time when most were afraid. SAAF began as a volunteer-staffed hospice in the back of a bar and has evolved to  a multi-service agency reaching thousands on individuals every year through healthcare, support services and educational outreach.

Some of SAAF’s services include:

  • Testing and Education including free HIV and syphilis rapid testing, hepatitis-C and tuberculosis testing.
  • Special Care Facility and Hospice Care licensed by the state, providing 24-hour care, substance abuse and pastoral counseling, nutritional counseling, administration of medication, transportation to appointments, and medication reviews.
  • Case Management coordinating care and linking clients to a wide range of medical, mental health care and community-based services.
  • Nourishing SAAF providing 3 nutritious hot meals per day, 365 days a year. All meals are reviewed by a registered dietitian and include foods that help provide for particular dietary needs of persons with HIV/AIDS.
  • Short-Term Transitional Housing for a total of 20 men, women and transgender formerly homeless clients.
  • Dental Assistance is offered through  dental subcontractors in the community to those who meet Ryan White eligibility requirements and have no private or public dental insurance coverage.

April Nerd Night will collecting items to support the work of SAAF’s special care and hospice facility, short-term transitional housing and case management programs.

Wish List

Men’s Boxer Underwear (M/L)
Men’s Slippers
Men’s T-Shirts (M/L)
Men’s Socks
Men’s Flip Flops (11-13)
Women’s Flip Flops (S/M/L)
Men’s and Women’s Deodorant
Used DVDs
Dish Soap
Cleaning Sponges
Bed Sheets, Twin (Fitted and Flat)
Bath Towels
Bus Passes

April Nerd Night: San Antonio AIDS Foundation2016-11-25T10:59:40-06:00

Crowdfunding, Nerd Night Updates

Hey nerds!

It’s been a while since my last post. Things have been busy at Nerd Night HQ, aka my house, and I figured it was time for a quick update.

Last month, five of your fellow Nerd Nighters and I gathered at my house and formed San Antonio Nerd Night, Inc. We’re now an official nonprofit corporation, registered with the state of Texas. We’re a board of six, and I’ll get some information up about the board soon once we determine how that’s going to be put out there. Our first order of business is obtaining our 501(c)(3) status, which is expensive and involves a lot of forms, like anything the federal government, and especially the IRS, is in charge of – so that’s quite an undertaking. To that end, we’re raising money on Crowdrise. You might have seen my posts on Facebook or Twitter about this, and I’ll speak on it more at Nerd Night on Friday, but the short version is that we need several hundred dollars for the application and I’m not able to front it myself. Thus, the wonderful world of crowdfunding. If everyone gives a little, we’ll have what we need in no time.

Nerd Night is this Friday! Join us at Geeks Cafe on Babcock and bring an item (or two or ten) to support the Animal Defense League of Texas. The donation wish list is available at this event link and there’s sure to be something there you can find easily at a store near you. We’ll have a guest speaker from ADL and her canine friend.

Joining us on Friday will be Childs’ Play Games & Geekery, a mobile game store run by Sarah Childs and based in New Braunfels. She is graciously donating a portion of all game sales to the ADL, so if you play a game you especially enjoy, see if she has a copy with her! They also offer local free delivery to the San Antonio area.

Speaking of generous Nerd Night partners, Geeks Cafe will be donating a portion of all food sales on Friday night as well. Do we have the best friends or what?

See you all on Friday night!

Crowdfunding, Nerd Night Updates2016-03-09T10:37:43-06:00

Charity Spotlight: Animal Defense League of Texas

About Animal Defense League of Texas

The Animal Defense League was established in 1934 “for the prevention of cruelty to animals; to provide kind and humane treatment of animals; and to aid and assist the enforcement of laws enacted for the prevention of animal cruelty.”

While they began their mission with a few makeshift chicken-wire cages to shelter stray cats and dogs in the San Antonio area, ADL has grown to a 12-acre campus with a pet park, an adoption center, a small retail store, and a 5,000 square-foot clinic that provides on-site spay and neuter surgery, surgery for injured and ill animals, as well as veterinary care for all resident animals.

ADL is a true no-kill shelter, which means animals are never euthanized if they can be treated and returned to health. No animal is ever euthanized to make room for others. The mission of the Animal Defense League is to enhance the quality of life for abandoned, abused, or neglected animals by providing needed medical care, food, shelter, and safety along with compassion and attention. They provide a number of services, including:

  • Sheltering animals, regardless of their conditions when they arrive
  • Complete medical treatment for all resident animals
  • Full-time veterinary staff
  • Humane education programs
  • Adoption services to help resident animals find forever homes

ADL is supported through adoption fees, grants, bequests, donations and a number of special events to raise funds. We will be collecting donations to support the work of the Animal Defense League at our March 11th Nerd Night. Needed items are:

General Needs

Brooms & String Mops
Copy Paper
Hand Sanitizer
Heavy Duty Water Hoses
Laundry Detergent
Trash Bags (33 gallon)
Strip-Shredded Paper
Lawnmowers, Weedeaters, and Edgers
Electric Space Heaters
Nailguns and Drills
100 ft. Electric Snake
Steam Mop

Animal-Specific Needs

KONG and “Hard Plastic” Toys
Blankets (any size)
Heating Pads
Canned Kitten Food
Puppy and Kitten Toys
Dog and Cat Toys
Pedigree Canned Dog Food
Esbilac Puppy Formula
KMR Kitten Milk Replacement
Gerber 2nd FOOD Chicken
Beech Nut Stage 1 Chicken
Plastic Kiddie Pools
Baby Wipes

Charity Spotlight: Animal Defense League of Texas2016-11-25T10:59:35-06:00

February Nerd Night Wrap Up

So, I know I say this almost every post, but…

You. Guys. Are. Awesome.

I won’t lie, I was worried about the venue change and all of you making the move to another part of town. But wow, did you all prove that I worry a lot over nothing! We had FIFTY happy game-playing nerds at Geeks Cafe on Friday, and you all collected an amazing amount of STUFF for SAMMinistries. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

February Nerd Night

February Nerd Night


February Nerd Night - Nathan's Room

Nathan’s Room


February Nerd Night - Ticket to Ride

Ticket to Ride


February Nerd Night - Paulina, Kelly & Shane

Paulina, Kelly & Shane


February Nerd Night - Keller, Aiden and friend



February Nerd Night - Vince



February Nerd Night - Winner!



Melanie from SAMMinistries speaking to the group

Melanie from SAMMinistries speaking to the group

Anyway. Apologies for some of these blurry pictures, I’m apparently challenged when I don’t have a flash.

Our next Nerd Night is scheduled for March 11 and will again be at Geeks Cafe. We’re collecting items for the Animal Defense League of Texas. I will post a spotlight article very soon with details about what items they are in need of to take care of all the pups and kitties that are lucky enough to end up in this no-kill shelter.

Shameless plug time!

Art by Freddy Gonzalez

Art by Freddy Gonzalez

This fabulous piece of art has been donated to help raise money for SAMMinistries. Colleen and Vince of GaMExpo and Geek Out SA are handling a silent auction. Starting bid is $100. Get on over to their Facebook page and make a bid, y’all!

Speaking of Geek Out SA…

[youtube id=”0_0-UjV3Vx4″ width=”600″ height=”350″ autoplay=”no” api_params=”” class=””]

Nathan and I stopped by to plug Nerd Night and talk about all things geeky. Give it a watch!


February Nerd Night Wrap Up2016-11-25T10:59:36-06:00

February Nerd Night

This month we will tackle the issue of homelessness in San Antonio. Our benefit charity is SAMMinistries, whose mission is to help the homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless attain self-sufficiency by offering, with dignity and compassion, shelter, housing, and services. Since 2008, SAMM has prevented 20,000 San Antonians from entering homelessness. Each night, SAMM offers 350 families a place to call home. In 2014, 98% of the families served through SAMM’s Homeless Prevention Program remained out of homelessness after 18 months.

February Nerd Night will specifically be targeting item collection for “Welcome Baskets,” given to each family as they enter SAMMinistries’ Transitional Housing program. These baskets give families much-needed household goods as they begin their journey to self-sufficiency. We will collect the following items at Nerd Night and deliver them to SAMM’s donation center.


Dish Sets & Large Plastic Cups
Flatware Sets
Pots & Pans
Cooking Tools (ex: wooden spoons)
Oven Mitts & Pot Holders


Sheet Sets: Twin & Full
Crib Sheets
Comforters: Twin & Full
Towel Sets: Bath, Hand & Washcloths


Buckets & Sponge Mops
All-Purpose Cleaner
Antibacterial Wipes & Bleach
Brooms & Dustpans
Dish Detergent
Toilet Brushes & Toilet Cleaner


Garbage Cans & Trash Bags, 13-gallon
Laundry Detergent
Laundry Baskets

February Nerd Night2016-02-01T15:19:07-06:00

Charity Spotlight: SAMMinistries

About SAMMinistries

SAMMinistries is an interfaith ministry whose mission is to help the homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless attain self-sufficiency by offering, with dignity and compassion, shelter, housing, and services. Since 2008, SAMM has prevented 20,000 San Antonians from entering homelessness. Each night, SAMM offers 350 families a place to call home. In 2014, 98% of the families served through SAMM’s Homeless Prevention Program remained out of homelessness after 18 months.

[youtube id=”eR21dMmKWC8″ width=”600″ height=”350″ autoplay=”no” api_params=”” class=””]

Homelessness in the SA Metro Area

Homelessness is a real problem in San Antonio and its surrounding communities. We will get a new survey later this month to count current homeless, but 2015 numbers are available from SARAH, the South Alamo Regional Alliance for the Homeless. In 2015, there were 2,891 homeless individuals counted at the Point-In-Time (PIT) Count. The PIT Count is required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and is used in determining federal funding for San Antonio’s homeless programs. 546 of these were children (average age of 6) and 309 of these were veterans. This total number has been largely steady for the last three years (2,892 in 2014 and 2,980 in 2013). SAMMinistries estimates the current San Antonio homeless population at approximately 3,211.

While 3,211 may not seem like a very large number in a city with a population of 1.4 million, the reality is that nearly 50% of San Antonio’s population is living with no savings, which puts them at a high risk of becoming homeless if they experience a loss of income. More than half of all homeless individuals in San Antonio cite a loss of income as their reason for homelessness, and affordable housing is the most requested service by homeless individuals in San Antonio.

SAMMinistries offers the following services:

  • Homeless Prevention: Providing rental assistance, utility assistance and supportive services to enable individuals, families, veterans and seniors who are in imminent danger of eviction avoid homelessness.
  • Transitional Housing: SAMMinistries offers 65 families transitional housing through individual homes in San Antonio, as well as the Transitional Living and Learning Center (TLLC). The Transitional Housing program provides housing, support and resources to families who show a commitment to gaining self-sufficiency. The individual needs of all family members are supported for a two-year period, promoting the viability of the family as a whole while they transition out of homelessness.
  • Rapid Re-Housing: The Rapid Re-Housing program reduces the amount of time a family experiences homelessness and rapidly re-houses families into permanent, affordable homes. Financial assistance is provided for up to 3 months along with 12 months of case management.
  • Permanent Supportive Housing: Permanent Supportive Housing assists and empowers families to live as independently as possible. SAMMinistries has a permanent housing program that assists families with whom one member of the family has a disability. SAMMinistries also manages 100 set-aside housing vouchers to help families find permanent housing in the private rental market.
  • Supportive Services: In order to serve their clients and the community holistically, SAMMinistries offers supportive services to all program participants to support them spiritually, mentally and physically. These services include spiritual services, educational assistance, wellness classes and employment development.

What are we doing to help?

February Nerd Night on February 12th will specifically be targeting item collection for “Welcome Baskets,” given to each family as they enter SAMMinistries’ Transitional Housing program. These baskets give families much-needed household goods as they begin their journey to self-sufficiency. We will collect the following items at Nerd Night and deliver them to SAMM’s donation center.


Dish Sets & Large Plastic Cups
Flatware Sets
Pots & Pans
Cooking Tools (ex: wooden spoons)
Oven Mitts & Pot Holders


Sheet Sets: Twin & Full
Crib Sheets
Comforters: Twin & Full
Towel Sets: Bath, Hand & Washcloths


Buckets & Sponge Mops
All-Purpose Cleaner
Antibacterial Wipes & Bleach
Brooms & Dustpans
Dish Detergent
Toilet Brushes & Toilet Cleaner


Garbage Cans & Trash Bags, 13-gallon
Laundry Detergent
Laundry Baskets


Charity Spotlight: SAMMinistries2016-11-25T10:59:38-06:00
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